Playground Production's Policies, Terms, & Conditions

Please note, all clients: 

  • We require a copy of renter’s license or ID at the time rental is accessed.
  • Renters are under video surveillance at all times. 

General Policies for All Rentals

Additional Rental Policies

Cancellation/No Show/Tardy Policy

  • If you cancel within 24 hours of your initial booking you will receive a full refund if requested
  • With 48 hours notice, we will give you one opportunity to reschedule. You must reschedule no later than 2 weeks from your original date.
  • Day of cancellations will not receive any refunds or be able to reschedule.
    • You must call or text us to cancel or reschedule. Email requests will not be honored.
    • You will be considered and treated as a no-show if you do not adhere to these conditions.  No shows will not receive any refunds and will lose their rental.

Cancellation/No Show/Tardy Policy for Rehearsals with Engineers

  • If you cancel within 24 hours of your initial booking you will receive a full refund if requested
  • Two weeks notice is required to reschedule because these appointments depend upon our engineer’s schedules and some of our engineers are independent contractors. We will give you one opportunity to reschedule if proper notice is given. You must reschedule no later than 2 weeks from your original date, and you must choose a date that the engineer has available.
  • Cancellations with less than two weeks notice will not receive any refunds or be able to reschedule.
    • You must call or text us to cancel or reschedule. Email requests will not be honored.
    • You will be considered and treated as a no-show if you do not adhere to these conditions. No shows will not receive any refunds and will lose their rental.
  • Engineers must be compensated if you are late. You will be automatically billed if you are late and keep the engineer waiting. Also keep in mind, if you are late and need to pay for extra time, engineers may not be available to extend their time due to other commitments.

Equipment Policy

  • If any negligent damage occurs or items are stolen or missing during the time Renter is inside the studio, Renter is responsible to repair/replace damaged, missing or stolen equipment.
    • All equipment in studio is inspected before and after every rental. If any damage or theft is suspected, we have 24/7 surveillance cameras and will refer to video when necessary. 
  • Equipment includes:
    • Orange Rm: Allen & Heath Mix Wiz3 mixer, 2 guitar amps, bass amp, 5-pc drum kit & cymbals, 2 pro monitor wedges, DI boxes, microphones, stands and cables
    • Blue Rm: Allen & Heath Qu 24 mixer, guitar amp, 7-pc drum kit & cymbals, 2 speakers, DI boxes, midi controller, sound module, microphones, stands and cables
    • Other: Chairs, tables, projector, projector screen, or any other furnishings/items in the studio
  • Do not use music stands as tables. Only use them to hold notes, sheet music, etc. If you damage a music stand by misusing it, you are responsible to replace it. If any damage occurs to any of your personal property due to misuse of a music stand, PPS holds no liability. Additional tables are located in the garage for you to use if you need a table.
  • Equipment must be turned off after usage.
  • UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE YOU TO USE ANY EQUIPMENT THAT YOU ARE NOT RENTING OR DO NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO USE, this includes moving equipment from one rehearsal space to another.
    • We do not offer storage space for any personal instruments or equipment. If any personal property or equipment is left in the space, we will attempt to contact you so you can retrieve your items. If any items are not retrieved in a reasonable time, we will dispose of the items as we see fit.
    • Please call to inquire about short-term storage options if you plan on renting for 2 or more consecutive days.

Door Access Code Policy

  • All renters will be given a 4-digit code to gain entry for rental.
  • Renter is only authorized to enter the studio when they have booked a rental. Renter is only permitted to be in the studio for the amount of rental hours scheduled.
  • Any unauthorized entry will be reported to authorities as trespassing.
  • Renter will not give any other party the code. If Renter suspects someone obtained/used code, PPS must be contacted immediately by phone.
  • If immediate assistance is needed for a non-emergency, please call or text 317-678-7529.
    For an emergency, please call 911.

Visitor/Guest Policy

  • Only Renter and those associated with rentals are permitted inside the studio during your rental time. Do not bring guests (friends, family, spouse, children, etc.)
  • No pets allowed unless certified service animal.

This does not apply to Venue rentals. See those sections below for more details.

Penalty Fees

Overage Penalty for Rehearsals & Rentals

Any entry earlier than 5 minutes prior to your scheduled start time or any exit 5 minutes over your scheduled end time will result in being charged for an additional hour. Please note this does NOT mean you can stay an additional hour. For every additional 15 minutes you stay over, we will charge you another penalty as detailed below.  We have equipped each room with a clock to help avoid late departures.
*Please note, that per Stripe’s terms and conditions, all clients agreed to store encrypted credit card information.
The overage penalty charges are as follows:
  • You will be charged $30 for the Orange Room, $50 for the Blue Room, $20 for the Solo Rehearsal Room, or $80 for a private rehearsal if you enter the studio more than 5 minutes before your scheduled start time or if you remain in the space more than 5 minutes after your scheduled end time.
  • You will be charged $30 for the Orange Room, $50 for the Blue Room, $20 for the Solo Rehearsal Room, or $80 for a private rehearsal for every additional 15 minutes you remain in the space.
 For any client that needs additional set up or tear-down time, we offer an option to add on 30 additional minutes at cost. Please choose this option if you need additional time.

Equipment Penalty for Moving/Using Equipment from Other Spaces

The equipment in the rehearsal room you rent is the only equipment you have access to. If you need more equipment, upgrade your rental. If there is anything not provided in your room, it is your responsibility to bring it yourself. Our studio has been very busy this year and our rehearsal rooms are being used concurrently almost daily. We’ve experienced issues with clients not having the equipment they need and paid for due to other clients moving equipment and this is unacceptable.

*Please note, that per Stripe’s terms and conditions, all clients agreed to store encrypted credit card information.
If found to move any equipment via surveillance cameras or reported by another client, the equipment penalty charges are as follows:
  • You will be charged $50 per item if you move anything from a room you are not renting.
  • If equipment continues to be moved, charges are subject to increase by $25 per item for each occurrence.

Glass Bottle Policy

Safety is paramount for all of our clients. We want to avoid the liability for both ourselves and our clients therefore glass bottles of any kind are not permitted inside the studio. We have no problem with clients having drinks or alcoholic drinks in moderation, but they must be in plastic bottles or aluminum cans/bottles.

We had an instance where a glass bottle was shattered in our Blue Room. Glass went everywhere and it took a lot of effort to remove all the broken glass. We do not want our clients to get injured. We host dance troupes and theatrical productions that do floor work and work barefoot, so glass bottles are not acceptable

Also, please do not sit drinks on any of our equipment. Remember our equipment policy is if you cause any negligent damage to equipment, you will be charged to either repair (if repairable) or replace any damaged equipment.

If you are found to bring in any glass bottles via surveillance cameras or reported by another client, the glass bottle penalty charges are as follows:
  • You will be charged $50 per occurrence if you bring in glass bottles.
  • If client continues bringing in glass bottles, charges are subject to increase by $25 for each occurrence.

Food, Drink, & Other Policies

  • Use alcoholic beverages at your own risk. If any damage is caused to equipment by food or drink, you are responsible for repairing/replacing damaged equipment. If you become too impaired by alcohol or you cause any disruptions due to impairment, you will be asked to leave and no refunds will be given.
  • No illegal substances are allowed on premises and smoking/vaping is not permitted inside the studio.
  • WiFi info will be provided to eligible clients in booking confirmation email.
  • PPS will not be held responsible for any items left after a rental.

Recording Policy

In addition to all of the general policies, the following policies also apply (except when noted):

Please arrive 30 minutes prior to start time for setup and soundcheck.


  • Please try to avoid overbooking, as we will only refund any paid time 2 hours or under. Also, unused time 2 hours or under can be applied towards our mastering services if client chooses.


  • Recorded tracks will be released when and if full balance is paid.
  • Mastered tracks or mixes will be released as client has paid for them per our mastering rates.


  • Engineer is entitled to a 15 minute break for every 2 hours worked and a 1 hour break for every 4 hours worked. Client is not charged for these break times.
  • The clock does not stop for smoke breaks or other interruptions.

Rehearsal Rental Policy

In addition to all of the general policies, the following policies also apply:


  • You may arrive and enter promptly at your scheduled start time.
  • Staff will not be present, so it your responsibility to set up and operate the backline equipment.
  • Wi-Fi available. You will receive the network/password information in your booking confirmation email.


  • We are a self serve, Airbnb style studio. Engineers/staff are only on site if you CALL AND BOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT OVER THE PHONE.
  • You are responsible for entering/exiting the studio with a code, setting up your rehearsal room to your needs, etc.
  • DO NOT open the door for anyone. Clients will enter with their codes.
  • Keep the doors locked AT ALL TIMES while you are rehearsing.
  • You may enter the studio at your scheduled start time and must be out of the room and studio at your scheduled end time.
  • If you need any assistance from an engineer during your rehearsal or you need a one-time in-depth training session on how to operate the console/mixer, you must call to schedule.


  • Please put all equipment back as you found it. If rehearsal client is using the drum kit and cymbals, it is Renter’s responsibility to set up and put away equipment


  • Same day rehearsals are available.
  • Same day rehearsals with less than 2 hours booking notice will be charged $40 per hour for the Orange Room and $60 per hour for the Blue Room.
  • No refunds for same day cancellations/no shows. Same day bookings cannot be rescheduled.


  • In addition to the terms of our cancellation/rescheduling policy, returning rehearsal clients will be allowed 1 opportunity to reschedule in a rolling 30 day time period.

Packages & Subscriptions Policy

In addition to all of the general policies, rehearsal policies, etc, the following policies also apply:

  • All package sales are final.
  • Package hours expire in 30 days.
  • Unused time does not rollover nor any refunds on unused hours.
  • One client per package.
  • You will be given one opportunity to reschedule if 48 hours notice is given otherwise time will be deducted from package.

Venue/Event Rental Policy

In addition to all of the general policies, the following policies also apply (except when noted):


  • No alcoholic beverages are to be brought onto premises or sold by clients or their guests. No illegal substances are allowed on premises and smoking/vaping is not permitted inside the studio.
  • If serving food or non-alcoholic beverages, disposable table/server ware must be provided by client.
  • If a cash bar is in operation during rental, Renter is not entitled to any portion of alcohol sales, nor may Renter sell/serve alcohol.
  • Renter is expected to return the areas used to prior state of cleanliness. Please use trash/recycle receptacles in the front entry area. Excess messes will result in a minimum $175 cleaning fee and any item removal will result in a $125 per item fee.


  • Venue Rentals are permitted to be open to the public.
  • No public WiFi. Password will only be provided to renter if required for payment transactions (Square, Stripe, etc), or if Renter requires internet access to operate an aspect of event.
  • Nails, pins, wire or tape may not be used to supply decorations to any building surfaces.
  • Smoke effects, explosives or pyrotechnics are not permitted inside or outside building. Only flameless candles are permitted inside the studio.
  • Use of confetti and glitter are not permitted on PPS premises.
  • PPS will not be held responsible for any items left after a rental.
  • No pets unless certified service animal.

Green Room Policy

  • The Green Room at the Playground is an all gender space and is never to be used as a dressing room. Normally, the room is used as a rehearsal space and there is a motion camera in the room that captures 30-60 seconds of footage when the motion detector is triggered. Signage in the room indicates the location and usage of the security camera.
  • The Green Room is for performers/musicians only. NO guests are allowed including family, friends, spouses, children, etc.
  • If cell phones are not allowed in the Green Room at the request of a client/organization, there will be a sign posted inside the Green Room indicating no cell phone usage is permitted.
  • If you need to change, please use the Private Dressing Area across the hall. There will be a sign on the door indicating Private Dressing Area. This is a private room without any cameras and contains a deadbolt lock from the inside for additional privacy. 1-3 people are permitted to be inside the space. The recording viewing window is covered on both sides to ensure privacy and safety. NO cell phone usage allowed in Private Dressing Area.
  • Keep doorways and exits clear at all times for fire safety purposes.
  • Absolutely no dressing, makeup or congregating in the restroom, as we only have one restroom in the venue.
  • A large wall mirror will be available but performers/musicians are welcome to bring in small mirrors if needed. 

Security Camera Waiver

  • For any client/organization that requests the camera be turned off in the Green Room due to privacy/consent concerns:
    • The battery and cover will be removed from the security camera and locked in the filing cabinet in the venue office.
    • Client/organization will be required to sign a waiver and a credit card will be required to be kept on file until any damage assessments have been settled. Waiving the security camera will result in 100 percent responsibility for any damage or theft that might occur to any of the rehearsal equipment or studio items in the room or the space itself. Prior to and after usage of the Green Room, Playground staff and client/organization representative will do a walk through of the space and sign off on the condition of the contents of the room and the condition of the space, as well as assess equipment and room for any damages in a post walk through.

Private Dressing Area Policy

  • The Private Dressing Room at the Playground is a private area without any cameras. This room is normally used as an isolation booth for recordings. The recording viewing window is covered on both sides to ensure privacy and safety.
  • The Private Dressing Area is for performers/musicians only. NO guests are allowed including family, friends, spouses, children, etc.
  • Only 1-3 people are allowed in the dressing room at the same time.
  • Lock the deadbolt inside the Private Dressing Area for increased safety and privacy.
  • Absolutely no cell phone usage is permitted inside the Private Dressing Area at any time. If anyone violates this rule, please report to a monitor (if available) or report to a Playground Staff member.
  • Keep doorways and exits clear at all times for fire safety purposes.
  • Please only use the Private Dressing Area for changing clothes or costume as other people may need to use the private area. If you need to apply makeup or style hair, do so in the Green Room or arrive ready.
  • Absolutely no dressing, makeup or congregating in the restroom, as we only have one restroom available at the venue.
  • One full body length mirror will be available in the Private Dressing Area but performers/musicians are welcome to bring in small mirrors if needed.